Our Community events are sponsored by our Parent Association with the cooperation of the teachers and staff of the school. All parents are invited to join the PA and help coordinate the events…giving as much or as little time as they want. Often it’s the Community Events that help the parents truly feel a part of the greater Rose Hall community.

Porch Party
Each year, a Rose Hall family hosts a Welcome Back party. Drinks, appetizers, and dessert are served. It’s a great chance to meet other Rose Hall parents and to catch up with friends. Parents Only!

Halloween Party October
This is a wonderful event for the entire family! Children and siblings arrive in their costumes and make crafts and play games.

Winter Sing, December
Don’t miss this adorable event. Each class sings heart-warming songs of joy, love and peace in a celebration of the season. Siblings of current students are even invited to participate in an alumni song!

Annual Benefit & Bash
Parents enjoy a fun, casual evening with other Rose Hall parents and teachers, while helping fulfill the classroom wish lists. One can usually expect cocktails, community, and lots of fun! Proceeds are to used to enhance our school. Parents Only!

Pee Wee Olympics, May
This is Rose Hall’s Field Day. Games, races, and activities are set up in a local park followed by a picnic lunch.The children participate in a three-legged race, sack race, relay, and more. Face painting and bubbles add to the fun. The whole family is invited!