Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday & Friday
For Morning Students: 11:30am to 1:30pm / For Afternoon Students 10:30am to 12:30pm
Must be 4 years old by September 1

Lunch Bunch is an extended day program offered to four-year old students.
Children are welcome to sign up for 2 (minimum) to 5 days a week. Children bring a nut free lunch from home and dine with friends and teachers. The afternoon is then filled with a variety of fun activities from arts and crafts, to games, plays and projects.
Lunch Bunch is a wonderful program designed to help support and develop the social/emotional skills of our young students. The program is a combination of free play, creative exploration, grace and courtesy lessons, singing, dancing and games. Helping children learn to explore ideas and feelings creatively, communicate respectfully, develop relationships, handle conflict, cooperate, learn empathy and sensitivity to others is critical at this young age. In addition, lunch bunch also provides the opportunity to lengthen the child’s day ie… prepare them for a full day of learning.
Lunch Bunch is a VERY popular program at Rose Hall that fills up quickly.