8:30-11:30am OR 12:30-3:30pm
3-6 years old as of September 1
The preschool program at Rose Hall is a unique blend of the traditional Montessori curriculum and a warm, loving environment. Academically, the classroom is separated into 5 key curricular areas – Practical Life, Sensorial, Math, Language and Cultural. The core Montessori principals of order, coordination, concentration and independence are priorities throughout the classroom. At Rose Hall we believe that the development of these core executive functioning skills will assist in building lifelong learning skills.
In addition to the 5 core areas, we enhance our curriculum with a variety of additional units including botany (planting, study of the life cycle of a plant), art history (studying a variety of artists, art styles and movements, including impressionism, action painting, ceramics, and more), music (studying various types of instruments and musical styles), the Five Senses, and more. Each unit is taught with a hands-on approach, immersing the students in the material to be learned.
In addition to all of these amazing learning opportunities, we also have French class once a week, as well as yoga once a month. Every day includes a beautiful Peace Circle, work time and a fun Line Time with songs, finger plays and even dancing. Gross motor play is an important component of every day.