Mondays-Fridays, 8:30-3:30pm
3-6 years old as of September 1
Our Full Day Preschool Program allows families to take advantage of a full school day in a Montessori environment. The children begin their day in one of our two Morning Preschool classes for a full Montessori morning, transitioning at 11:30 to one room to spend lunch and the rest of the day together.
Taught by a certified Montessori teacher and seasoned assistant, the Full Day afternoon consists of a rest period, another opportunity for snack and gross motor play time, as well as extended class time. This Full Day cohort may choose to spend the afternoon in our Library or Art Studio for extended exploration, or participate in whole class studies of art, science, nature, and much more!
The program runs from Monday to Friday, 8:30-3:30. Lunch is provided, at an additional cost. Full Day enrollment requires a Morning Preschool space to be available. Do not wait to inquire!